Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detectors
- Test smoke & CO alarms monthly
- CO alarms are required on every level of the home, including habitable portions of basements and attics
- Have spare batteries on hand and replace both smoke and CO alarm batteries annually

Fire Extinguishers
- Install a fully charged multi-purpose or ABC fire extinguisher in an accessible location near an exit
- Make sure everyone knows where it is and how to use it
- Check the pressure gauge to ensure it is fully charged indicated by the needle in the green area
- Remember, DON’T FIGHT A FIRE unless you call the fire department first! A fire extinguisher is no substitute for the fire department!
Fireplace Safety
- Have your chimney and fireplace cleaned and inspected yearly for creosote build-up, cracks crumbling bricks or mortar and any obstructions
- Place ashes outdoors in a covered metal container at least 3 feet away from anything that can burn
- Always use a fireplace screen
- Call 9-1-1
- Provide as much information as possible
- Evacuate the home / building
- Gather together – Account for all residents
- Provide updates via 9-1-1
- Direct Barnstable Fire Department Phone: (508) 362-3131
Home Safety Tips
- Clean up and remove any rubbish, fallen leaves, branches and dried brush surrounding the house
- Maintain an open area around the house to create a firebreak
- Check exhaust vents and flues of all fuel-burning appliances to ensure they are free of obstructions or debris
- Check outdoor electrical outlets and other electrical appliances for animal nests and to ensure proper wiring
- Limit propane storage to reasonable quantities
- Secure propane cylinders with chain
- Always position grill away from combustible objects – buildings, fences, deck railings and landscaping can quickly ignite
- Douse hot coals with plenty of water before disposing of them
- Illegal to the consumer
- Fireworks cause thousands of burns and eye injuries each year
- Fireworks cause an average of almost 20,000 reported fires per year
- In 2013, sparklers caused 41% of fireworks injuries
- Did you know sparklers burn at 1200 degrees Fahrenheit? They are extremely dangerous